May 30, 2011

Why Blog

I have gotten the question more than once concerning what blogging is or why do it?  To those of you who are internet geeks, technology gurus or social media experts, this is not a post you need to read.  This is for any readers who have not found, really found, the world of blogging.   And why would you, if you are not looking for it.  You may have a friend or two who have started blogging to promote a business or share a point of view or answer questions for a particular industry, but if you are still wondering—here’s my shot at explaining.   Blogging is this fantastic internet phenomenon that until the last two months I have not been part of.  Why BlogIt is about the coolest thing I can think of.  You can literally go onto sitess that JUST provide you personally with blogs of interest, people from all over the world who write about things you are interested in—whoever you are.  It could be aging or sports or wine or toys or social media.  It’s as if the people in the world who have something to say about something or anything are plugging themselves into this web of media that can be accessed so quickly and easily now.  I had no idea there were so many other moms (my personal writing preference) who have been “out there” in the blogging universe—sharing their stories, perspectives, secret confessions.  And I know the word secret throws up eyebrows, but what better way to share with a large audience—that extends beyond the world you may or may not fit into correctly.  I have found myself poring through article after article about various things, and I love that I can learn something new in about 13 seconds on twitter, floating through a million different postings or find an inspirational quote in 10 seconds.  It’s fascinating.  And for those of us who wish the entire world was at our doorstep, this is the new adventure land, full of new opportunities, education, sales on anything and my super fav, confessionals!  Of course, I’m old enough that I do not truly grasp the power or reach of social media, but I do enjoy that its ability to connect me with friends and people from all over in a way I never thought possible with written media of the past.  So even if you do not totally get it, jump online and look up a new blog.  Join twitter and follow a bunch of people who sound interesting.  It’s un-freaking-believable.  And why do I blog?  Well, I blog because I want to get out there and meet moms who have been completely blindsided at the enormity of parenting and find—although they are competent at many other things—sail roughly and without direction, although with great perseverance and thoughtfulness though parenting.  I want to share my experiences in hopes that other moms will give themselves a little slack, maybe even laugh when they suck and cheer when they’re awesome.  The thing is, I never thought I would suck at parenting, and it turns out love and patience isn’t enough.  You have to be better and smarter every single day, and when I don’t know what to do—and when I wonder why everyone else seems to get it except me—I seek comfort in the fact that every once in awhile people come up to me and say, “I am so glad someone else feels that way!”  So whether you agree or concede, please feel free to share!  It’s not the same without you!

