What looks like flowers
Can be poison
What looks like an elixir of death
Can be a taste from the fountain of youth
And we only have the tools within us
We only have the power to grow
Beyond what we already know
To create more experience
To dig a little deeper
To love despite experience’s sting
We know, though
Our greatness will extend
Our hearts will expand in size
Our hopes will be met and unmet
Our lives will continue
Because our souls remain
Despite what we do or do not know
Never be faint of heart
Never hide
Never give your adventure away
To fear or doubt or uncertainty
That is the spice of life
The elixir of youth
And also the poison of death
So put on the t-shirt
Bring it this way
This being can handle it
I will open my heart wide
And expand
And know
Gray hairs were earned
Tears were cried
And live was lived, my friends.
Keep strong, keep alive
In the end, the joy is
The process,
In trying
In the safety of the home