It takes one second, one look, one explosion, one crash, one flash of light, one decision, one rabbit hole, one thought that takes flight, one step.
It takes one.
In the direction of you.
Choosing you.
Knowing you.
Loving you.
It takes just one time, one silly idea, one splash, one light source, one hope, one angry scream, one word, one slice, one rip, one fall, one careless look away, one mindless look towards, one realization, one time, one betrayal, one gift, one swipe, one hug, one kiss, one touch, one stop, one start, one change of direction.
It takes one, of anything, anytime.
It takes the inertia, the gravity, the weight, the weightlessness, the indecision, the fear, the bravery, the impulse, the choice, the discipline.
It means being human, being weak, being wild, being strong, being weird, fitting in, defining, letting loose, lifting it up, putting it down.
It requires commitment, desire, disgust, temptation, results, persistence, giving up, letting go, throwing away, turning back.
Being human is all these things. Being you is nothing less than all these options and so many more. Being alive is necessary. Being dead is always on the table.
It’s just a little reminder. Just a little whiff, a little inspiration, a little morbidity, a little something.
Spin it round, till it spills all around you. Rub your hands through it. See what art is makes. And do what you see, do the opposite, do nothing at all, do some.
You get to see, to close your eyes, to feel everything, nothing at all, a little or a lot, something in between.
You get to love or hate or feel incredibly, undeniably neutral.
You can pick 5 colors or 1 or infinity or none.
It’s just that you might have forgotten so I want to remind you. You are powerful, my son. And limitless and limited. And I love you in whatever shape, whatever form, whatever filter of yourself you are right now. I am love when I look at you. I choose love. I am thrust into love. I am unconditionally in love with the root, the humanity, the formed and forming version and versions of you.
I hope you learn to love you too, even though right now you may not know who that is or understand what to look for or if its worth seeing. I hope you find your greatest love in the visage of what I see in you, around you, what I continue to learn about you.
I hope you love you more each day, and I will love you here and from the grave, my son.
I wish you the greatest love of you. And I will race the world and everything in it for second place, for the only happiness is knowing and loving each part of you. That’s the only advice I can give that I know will lead you into confusion and something turning into some version of happiness and peace.
That is what I know. This is what I know.
I love you.