Let it Unfold, Unfurl, Unwind
Let life show you it’s face
You show life yours
Your face, your textures, tones, sounds
Let life’s path fall beneath your feet as you
Both follow and lead it’s direction
Watch the flag unfurl
Watch the signs play out
Watch your change of direction
Change the colors, the anthem playing
Watch the way your interactions
Move the world
The way you can relax
Into the air, the feelings, the mood
Of the world
Of your soul
Of your pain
Of your joy
Of magic
And tragedy
Relax into it all
Without giving up your choice
Your bravery
Your voice
Take up the space you live in
While you relax into
The space that isn’t yours
And feel the way you interact
It isn’t for you to change the world
To change everything with your control
It isn’t for you to accept without any action
It isn’t for you to know everything before it happens
Or never to know because you are hiding
It is simply for you to learn to enjoy
To see with your eyes
Your energy
Your love
Your blindness
As I head into this remarkable year of aging
I celebrate both knowing and not knowing
Anything more about life than I do
I celebrate both leaning in and letting go
I celebrate the way I can feel both light and dark
Both sure and unsteady
Both confident and insecure
Both wild and innocent
Both melding
Into what I am
What I live
What I breathe
This year I celebrate each day the path
I have walked and leapt and army crawled
And I, with great joy
Tell myself
With wisdom that comes only with
Living and scars and time
Let it Unfurl
Watch it Unfold
And never let your Soul
Deny its place on the stage.
To you today
To love
To life
As always.